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Marie Lagadec Professional Portfolio

Marie Lagadec Professional Portfolio is a platform designed to showcase the work and expertise of Marie Lagadec in a clear and straightforward manner, with a focus on relevant work in the fashion and retail industries. It includes projects, achievements, skills, and work experience to demonstrate her professional capabilities and accomplishments. The portfolio aims to provide potential recruiters with an insight into her expertise and the projects she has worked on, appealing to potential employers. Specializing in the fashion and retail industries, the portfolio will focus on visual storytelling, social media successes, and media communication, with the unique selling point of visually showcasing the narrative and success stories within the industry. Marie Lagadec has 10 years of experience in fashion design and possesses expertise in various areas of design, including sketching, pattern making, and textile selection. This unique combination of skills positions her as a valuable asset in the industry. Her notable successes include designing award-winning collections, showcasing her designs at Paris Fashion Week, and collaborating with well-known fashion brands.


coming soon

Work in progress

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